Looking to buy, sell, or donate assistive technology or medical equipment?

Looking for a job as a Caregiver?

Discover the advantages of the Compass IL PAS program.

Hello, we're Compass IL
Woman looking at the camera (left) and drawing of the state of Wisconsin (right)

Hello, we’re
Compass IL

Person in a wheelchair cutting vegetables in a kitchen

Looking for a job as a Caregiver?

Discover the advantages of the Compass IL PAS program.

You may know us as the Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin (CILWW). But we like to make things as simple as possible, including our new name and website.

If you’re a person with disabilities and older adults (seniors) living in Western Wisconsin, you’ll find the services you’ve come to appreciate, like Independent Living, PAS Caregiving, Transportation, and Recreation.

Resources that’ll get you moving in the right direction

Discover the many ways to acquire the technology, equipment, and funding you need.

Staff Statement

We are people with disabilities serving people with disabilities

Compass IL is a community-based, non-residential, private non-profit agency that is staffed and governed by people with disabilities.

It’s our mission to advocate for and with persons with a disability to exercise their right to full participation in society.

Raise Your Hand

Raise your hand

It’s always a good time to volunteer, whether it’s for our Fishing Has No Boundaries program, as a driver for our Transportation program, or other opportunities.

Key Partnerships

To ensure the quality of services Compass IL provides, we rely on our trusted partners.

Independence First
WisTech Assistive Technology Program
Wisconsin Association of Mobility Managers
United Way - St. Croix and Red Cedar Valleys
National Council on Independent Living
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